Rackslab announces the release of Slurm-web v3.0.0, new major version of the open source web dashboard for Slurm based HPC cluster, completely redeveloped from scratch on clean foundations.
Slurm is the world leading workload manager for HPC clusters with all most advanced features to manage jobs and resources efficiently with a powerful command-line interface (CLI).
Slurm-web provides a clear graphical user interface with views to track your jobs, intuitive insights and advanced visualizations on top of Slurm to monitor status of HPC supercomputers in your organization, in a web browser on all your devices.
This new version 3.0.0 represents a one year effort since the project has been
endorsed by Rackslab for a complete
redevelopment from scratch to lean on new clean foundations with modern web
technologies and official Slurm slurmrestd
Many features are included in a reactive & responsive web UI:
- Instant jobs filtering and sorting
- Live jobs status update
- Advanced visualization of node status with racking topology
- Intuitive visualization of QOS and advanced reservations
- Multi-clusters support
- LDAP authentication
- Advanced RBAC permissions management
- Transparent caching
Get all details on Slurm-web website and its complete documentation. A full roadmap has been defined with many features ideas for the next releases, check it out!
Ready to try? Follow the quickstart guide!
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